I've received one premium
tank, the M3 Light (tier 3). I have bought one premium tank, the Ram II
(tier 5). I've done this to try to figure out what style of vehicle I
like. And it's easier than grinding for the tier sixes.
At tier one I believe the German is superior, but I played three,
and quickly bypassed it. I completely unlocked the Cunningham, and used
it's elite status to get me extra cash and exp.
At tier 2 I
LOVE the T-18 with the big gun. It can penetrate and one-shot most tier
1-3 tanks. It also has very heavy front armor allowing me to bounce the
chatter guns (guns with high rate of fire and usually magazines). I
hate light tanks, and the TD were ok.
On tier 3, I disliked most tanks stock but grew to like them when
fully modified. Still hate light tanks, they're only good for killing
each other and maybe the lightly armored tank destroyers. They don't do
well against higher tiers, which I seem to find myself facing a lot. (back when you'd go against tier V tanks)
The Su76 with upgrades can be fun, but is still too fragile. I've
done best with the T-46 and Pz IIIA, but prefer the Panzer as it's more
effective versus stronger tanks.
With tier 4, I like both
the Germans and the Lee, but didn't care for either of the Soviet choices
I've owned. Of the two German tanks, I've had ton more experience with
the Hetzer, as I just unlocked the DW2. Love the armor and HP of the
DW, but its gun selection sucks. Still, it is the only heavy in tier 4
(the B2 premium tank is in the game also, but who knows when it will be
for sale. (I will be purchasing the Panzer IV next time I see it in the
Finally, at tier five, HATED the SU-85 (still too fragile), I like
the T1 after upgrading, and the StuG III is extremely versatile, and can
hold it's own, even against higher tier tanks if played correctly. I
love my Ram, and figured the M4 was too similar to bother with. The M4
gets a better gun, but worse armor and HP vs the Ram. The T34
seems even more inferior to the Sherman in every way. The Wolverine packs
a HUGE punch which makes it worth playing and I believe is far superior
to the SU-85.
I'm currently grinding the T-28 to get to the KV1,
which I think is better than the T1 as it can mount a much better gun.
The T1 has better front armor, but most tanks it will face will still
penetrate. The KV1 has better armor all around preventing light tanks
from flanking to damage it. I generally prefer high damage, low rate of
fire guns, unless another gun has a much higher Damage Per Minute. One
example is the previously mentioned Ram. The M4 76mm does 1264 DPM,
while the Ram does 1484 DPM, and can get off 3 shots before the M4
shoots its 2nd. But the 76mm has better penetration and therefore
superior facing stronger tanks. A high rate of fire tank needs to
remain exposed to take advantage of its extra shots, while another tank
can dock behind cover waiting to reload.
Bottom line for me, is I don't like light
tanks, like tank destroyers when I'm not being shot at, prefer medium
tanks for their versatility, and like brawling with heavy tanks. I like
any vehicle that can change tactics and be effective based on whether
it's the best or worst tank in the engagement. Or a tank that is just
as effective with its regular tactics were regardless of opposition.
Finally, a quick story. A few
weekends ago, they gave everyone the M3 Light. So everyone was playing
with them. They don't match up well with the T 46, as the Russian tank
with it's rapid fire five shot magazine doing 40 hp per shot will chew
them up. I'd even use the (worse) flak gun in the Pz IIIA to better cull
the hordes of M3 we saw that weekend.

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