Bought the 76mm M1A1 for the T40. I know it's a better gun at
range, faster rate of fire, more penetration.- even the game lists it at
1 tier higher. But given all that, I think the 105 is a better gun to
mount due to lack of armor and HP, as well as the tanks you're going
against (tiers 4&5). If it still went up against tier 6 tanks, I'd
stick with the 76.
Also, I hate leaving a tank with tiny HP and having my long
reload time. I should team up with a fast firing, high penetrating, low
damage tank to finish him off.What do you think of the Wolverine? It doesn't get a better gun than the T40 (but does fire quicker), has the same armor, 85 extra HP, the slow turret. and faces tougher tanks. I'm not happy with either of the other two TD at tier 5 either (Su85 and StuGIIII). I think I like the tier 6 TD better, but haven't unlocked one yet.
I hate long reload times too, especially in a paper tank. I have gotten pretty good at shoot and scoot, and now pay as close attention to my retreat path as well as my firing position. When in doubt, run!
I can't comment on the tanks you mention since I'm still only tier II in US tanks. I do target US TDs when I can, figuring that they're lightly armored. I also take some HE for open topped vehicles which can be scary effective.
I do try to follow another tank around. They. An dance with the devil while I add some long range firepower.

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