Thursday, July 10, 2014

Reflecting on the last post

I've been thinking about this more.  I would add that mounting the gun higher up in your profile is also an advantage.  The distance from the main 75 to the top of an M3 Lee is a lot greater than the distance from the 75 to the top of a M4 Sherman.  This means that the M3 has to expose more of itself to shoot over a hill. (it does have the small gun in a turret up high).

After playing more, I've figured out the style I like is a 'sniper'.  A slow firing, but powerful gun that can kill in one shot.  I use it from a stationary concealed position, and then pull back to allow the gun to reload.  This means I generally use a large caliber, slow, explosive shell, like a 105mm vs a 75mm.  The disadvantage is that these rounds usually don't have the armor penetration of the smaller, faster rounds, or the accuracy and speed in aiming (no idea why this is a factor, but it's in the game)..  This makes me favor a side or rear shot.  Most tanks have the choice of one vs the other.
I also prefer a strong front armor at the expense of side and rear.  So, I'm leaning towards tank destroyers.  With the interface on the iPad it's too easy for me to point a turret in a direction I'm not facing, thereby exposing lighter side armor.  However, rotating a turret doesn't reveal a tank that's hiding, while rotating your fixed gun tank destroyer on target does.
For example, last night I had fun in my T18 (Tier 2 USA tank destroyer; prototype only in reality) going against tanks that had been armed with quick firing, low penetration guns that kept bouncing off my heavy front armor.  Meanwhile I took my time and kept one shotting them.  I kept a building on one side of me to help prevent a flanking attack.  In another game I faced higher tier tanks and I was at a disadvantage and died in one shot.  The game seems to be good about matchmaking, with my overall win/loss percentage is 46%.

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